Welcome to our FAQ's, here have tried to answer the most common questions, starting with shipping times from our warehouse in Ohio.

Shipping Times from our warehouse in Columbus, Ohio

Where do you ship from and how long will it take for my order to arrive?

Shipping times depend on the shipping service chosen and the distance from our fulfillment center in Ohio.

The map above shows the shipping times for the fastest service.

Please note we ship items within 24 hours (excluding weekends and public holidays). Orders placed during the weekend will be dispatched on the following Monday.

For same day dispatch - This option is for orders placed before 3pm, Monday to Friday.

Shipping & Returns

Below are some common questions about shipping, returns, and exchanges

Where do you ship to?

We ship to all states in the US and Canada. Please note free shipping is for the 48 Contiguous States Only, it does not include Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Canada.

Do you have an option for Gift Wrapping?

Unfortunately we are not able to offer this service at the moment.

How much does it cost to ship to ..... ?

You can calculate the shipping cost by adding a product to your cart and using the "estimate shipping rates" tool when you view the cart.

Is shipping free of charge?

Yes for the 48 Contiguous States only. It does not include Alaska, Hawaii,Puerto Rico and Canada.

What are the shipping options?

Standard ( free ) : USPS GroundAdvantage , 2-3 working days.

Priority ( fee applies) : UPS 2 Day air – next working day

Do you deliver to APO/FPO?

Yes we do.


Below are some of are common questions about orders

Can I cancel my order?

You can contact us here : playforevershop@playforever.us

But please note our customer service is located in different time zone and we won’t be able to amend/ change / cancel orders at times. Once your order has been processed we are unable to make any changes.

Please review your order and ensure the information on your order is correct

If your order has been dispatched and received you will be able to return it if you wish to do so.

Go to returns here

My order was duplicated! Help!

When you place an order on our website you will get an email confirmation with an order number , if you have received only one order number it is likely that your order was not duplicated. The transaction is completed through our website, the total checkout amount is pre-authorised on your card by your bank. This means instead of actually debiting funds from your account, we just put a ‘hold’ on them. The payment is only taken once the order’s been accepted . Please check your account and if you have been charged twice please contact us here : playforevershop@playforever.us

I entered the wrong address, what can I do?

You can contact us here : playforevershop@playforever.us

But please note our customer service is located in a different time zone and we won’t be able to amend/ change / cancel orders at times. Once your order has been processed we are unable to make any changes.

Please review your order and ensure the information on your order is correct. We are not responsible for non-delivery due to incorrect addresses. If your shipment is returned to us we will refund the original order (excluding shipping fee).

Can I exchange an item of my order for another product?

Yes , you can exchange an item for another model of same value provided we have it in stock and the product is not damaged.

Check returns here

Can I return my order ?

Exercising your right to change your mind (Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013).

For most products bought online you have a legal right to change your mind within 14 days and receive a refund. These rights, under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013, are explained in more detail in these terms.

Have you bought goods (for example, products from our online shop)?

If so you have 14 days after the day you (or someone you nominate) receives the goods, unless:

- (i) Your goods are split into several deliveries over different days. In this case you have until 14 days after the day you (or someone you nominate) receives the last delivery to change your mind about the goods.

-(ii) Your goods are for regular delivery over a set period. In this case you have until 14 days after the day you (or someone you nominate) receives the first delivery of the goods.

How do I return my order?

 If you would like to return one of our products purchased through our online store please send to.

Playforever Toys Ltd
James and James
Suite H, 2235 Southwest Blvd
Grove City
United States of America

  Include the paperwork and receipt that came with the original delivery. Items need to be in their original packaging and in an undamaged condition.

 You can print the return label here :  Playforever Returns

  Once the item is returned we can process your refund. Please contact us at playforevershop@playforever.us to explain the reason for the return so we can resolve any issues, and process any refunds or exchanges.

 I don’t have any paperwork or receipt for my order , can I still return the item ?

You will need the order number and name on the order for us to be able to allocate your return. If you can’t find this information please contact us here : playforevershop@playforever.us

How do I edit the address or details of my order?

You can contact us here : playforevershop@playforever.us

But please note our customer service is located in a different time zone and we won’t be able to amend/ change / cancel orders at times. Once your order has been processed we are unable to make any changes.

Please review your order and ensure the information on your order is correct

I haven't received a confirmation email for my order?

From time to time these can land within email junk/spam folders due to the customers own email provider settings.

. Please also check if you have entered the correct email address on the order. If you still can’t find the email you can contact us and we will check if the order went through or not.

Contact us at : playforevershop@playforever.us


Below are some common questions about our products

 What is the size of your cars?

It depends on the model, our products range from bigger sizes like our classics Bruno and Enzo motorbike , perfect for display in your shelf:

Product Dimension: 10.6"x  L, 7.1"x  W, 5.1" H

To smaller sizes like Verve and Loretino range:

Product Dimension: 6" L, x 3.7" W x, 2.1" H

Perfect size for toddlers and kids.

 Can I customise a model?

Unfortunately we are unable to customise our cars due to manufacturer MOQ ( minimum order quantity)

For larger quantities please contact us here: hello@playforever.us

Are they pulling back toy cars?

No but our cars roll so smoothly they don’t need it.

Where are Playforever toys made?

Ever wonder where your favourite toys are made? We've teamed up with expert toy makers in Asia who are as obsessed with toy quality as we are. We spent a few months living out there (with many sleepless nights) to find the best way to get the high-quality finish we're after. Every step of the process is carefully watched over to guarantee that each toy is flawless and hand-polished to perfection.

Do they meet international safety standards?

Yep, we're on top of our game with CPSIA certifications in the USA and EN71 in Europe so that kids around the world can enjoy endless racing fun, and parents can put their feet up and enjoy a moment of peace... sorry we can't actually guarantee that moment of peace bit.

Is it suitable / appropriate for a child ? What is the age recommendation for your product?

All of our models are suitable for children aged 3+, but a few of them, like Malibu, Viglietta, Loretino, Leadbelly and Luft are approved for car-obsessed babies aged 1+, so you can confidently start their car craze as early as 1 year old. A lot of parents enjoy a turn with our cars too (when their kids aren't looking), so enjoy, whether you're 1 or 99.

Is it safe for my child to chew on your cars?

We get that kids are curious and sometimes lick their toys. We want to assure you that this is okay (although not sure they taste all that great). All our toys are stress-tested to make sure the wheels are secure and are made with non-toxic, child-friendly materials so if they have a chew, you don't have to worry.

Yes, we have inspectors that perform batch-checks. Intertek Hong Kong takes care of our safety testing and makes sure we are EN71 and CPSIA compliant world-wide.

 I want to buy a car that reminds me of a particular era or style, could you recommend me one?

Yes we can, which of the following styles are you after?

·        Muscle cars/ all American cars

·        Classic European style

·        Aeroplanes and Motorbikes

·        F1 cars

·        Fun cars with cartoon heads

Are they really indestructible?

Unlike many toys that end up as waste, our toys are built to last for generations. We believe in creating heirloom-quality toys that can be passed down (just like our own collections of toy cars from when we were kids), reducing the need for constant replacements. While they are tough, they aren't indestructible like Superman is.

Delivery Issues

Below are some common questions about delivery.

My order hasn’t arrived, what can I do?

You should have recieved a confimation email that your order has shipped with a tracking link that you use to see if it is still in transit. If youstill help please contact us here with you order number : playforevershop@playforever.us

 I received the wrong item, what do I do?

Please contact us here : playforevershop@playforever.us

My item arrived faulty, what can I do?

Although we have rigorous quality control in place , occasionally a flawed product may slip through the cracks. Please send a picture of the faulty item and your order number to : playforevershop@playforever.us

I paid for express delivery but my order hasn’t arrived on time, can I return it? Or can I get my shipping cost refunded?

Yes, but please bear in mind next day delivery does not include weekend days so if you place an order on a weekend day for a next day delivery your order will be dispatched on the following Monday , if your order arrives within the time specified on the guidelines we won't be able to refund your shipping costs. Please check delivery time guidelines here :

If it arrived later please contact us here: playforevershop@playforever.us

My order is showing as delivered but I haven’t received it, where is it?

This parcel is showing as delivered but if you can't find it, your carrier may have placed it in a safer location. Please check:

- Garage

- With others in your household

- Mailbox

- Packages may come separately from your regular mail; check again later in the day

- Porch

- Areas protected from weather

- Areas out of street view, such as under a mat or near a back entrance

- Exterior doors and any locations where the package could be placed

If you have a multi-unit community mailbox and there is a key in your regular mail compartment, your package is in a parcel locker. Check the key tag for the corresponding locker number and open that locker. If you live in an apartment/condo, contact your building's management office to see if the package was left with them.

If you still can’t find your parcel please contact us here : playforevershop@playforever.us

Maintenance & Spare Parts

Can I get a replacement part?

At the moment we do not stock any replacement parts so we are unable to send replacement parts like tyres or axels.

Can you help me fix it?

We will try our best, please contact us here : playforevershop@playforever.us

My model stopped rolling smoothly, what can I do ?

Sometimes bits of dust, sand or dirt might come inside of the toy and jam the axles.

If you can’t find anything on the axels you can try to apply a bit of oil, that usually helps. Please bear in mind if the axles are bent (sometimes from collision), it will interfere with the wheels and it might prevent them from rolling smoothly.

The decal is only on one side of the car, is this correct? Or is it a faulty model ?

Some of our models have the decal on only one side , these are the models:



The car does not roll smoothly, what can I do?

You can try to apply a bit of oil on the axles to lose it a bit. Please also check if the axles are bent or if there is anything obstructing the wheels.

Can I get a replacement part?

At the moment we do not stock any replacement parts so we are unable to send replacement parts like tyres or axels

The Aeroplane wheels do not roll as smoothly as the other models, is this correct or is it a faulty model?

The aeroplane model is one of our first designs and the wheels do not roll as smoothly as the other models.

There’s a rattling noise in the car, how can I stop it ?

That usually happens if some of the internal parts got loose, for more information on how to repair it please contact us here : playforevershop@playforever.us

Subscriptions / Promotions / Discount Codes

Can I unsubscribe to your mailing list ?

Yes here : Unsubscribe

 I received a discount code but it is not working , can you help?

Yes, here are some steps:

Please make sure you are placing an order on the right website, we have 3 websites – UK, US and EU and the code will only be valid for the website you are subscribed to.

Please check if there is any offer valid date for the code you received, you can find this info on the email you received with the code.

Please make sure you are using the correct email address on the order, your code will be valid for the email address provided by you.

Some codes will be valid for selected items only, you can check this information on the email you received with the code.

If you are still having problems please contact us here : playforevershop@playforever.us

Do you have a dedicated Playforever shop? I would like to see the product in person.

Unfortunately we do not have a dedicated Playforever shop.

Didn’t find your answer?

Don't hestitate to contact us